Your customers are the biggest asset for the growth of your organization. Customers many times are understood as people who you are targeting to buy your product. But they act more than that. The best marketing strategy is to create the best awareness and brand image. This is best done by customers themselves. The power of referrals can change your image from scrap to the best product in the market.
This is best possible when you study and understand your customer at every stage. Customers are not created until they buy your product, but they still rule the market.
The various stages are –
These are the people you target for your product. Special emphasis needs to be given while correctly choosing your target audience or else all your marketing, promotional activities, advertisements will go in vain without achieving any result.
These are those people who are willing and capable of purchasing your product. Not every person in the market is there to buy your product or service. Some people are already looking for your product some are capable of engaging with your brand and business. They just need motivation. You need to offer special offering for them to make them get interested in purchasing your product or services.
Those prospects who actually purchase your product becomes your customer. Now a business needs special attention towards these customer as they are an asset for your business. Thus, perfect customer satisfaction should be achieved. If the customer is unhappy with your brand he/she will move away to another brand.
The journey from customer to client is pretty complicated and many entrepreneurs often miss it. Once a prospect becomes your customer, you need to follow them up to make them your loyal customer and encourage them to do more business with you. The process is concentrated on making them your client. A client is a happy customer who refers your brand to all of their connections. This is a marketing strategy which doesn’t include business’s involvement. It is based on positive word of mouth.
When a client starts publicly promoting your brand through word of mouth, published sources, media interactions becomes your advocate. An advocate has respect and say in the market. Thus, them promoting automatically improves your brand image by a thousand miles.
I believe now you understand how important it is for business to properly nourish their customers.
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Get in touch! Or Consult with India’s one of the Leading Social Media Strategist Anoop Mishra, Founder of a Top rated Brand Comm & PR agency Publicity Mantra.
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